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Compiler: IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) with support from La Fondation d'entreprise Total
Publication date: 2007-01-09
Recommended citation: Global Invasive Species Database (2025) Species profile: Sabella spallanzanii. Downloaded from on 30-03-2025.
The European fan worm is considered a major threat to benthic assemblages in both hard and soft sediment habitats and is of particular concern in Port Phillip Bay (Victoria, Australia) as a result of its potential effect on nutrient cycling processes in soft sediments (Murray and Parslow 1999, in O’Brien Ross and Keough 2006). Lemmens and collegues (1996) and Clapin (1996) estimated that S. spallanzanii had a mean filtering capacity of about 12 m³ per day per m² of habitat (in Stabilia et al. 2006).
Several studies have shown that planktonic bacteria are important components of estuaries and coastal waters, reaching high population densities and accounting for a large fraction of the production of particulate matter in those systems (Azam 1998, Fuhrman and Azam 1980, in Stabilia et al. 2006). Filter feeders such as Sabella remove from the water not only phytoplankton but also free-living bacteria Stabilia et al. 2006). Consequently, the impact on bacterial community structure through the removal by filter-feeding invertebrates is of considerable interest when looking at the ecological changes brought about by Sabella colonies.
Colonies of S. spallanzanii may alter water flow and velocity, altering sediment stability and altering concentrations of oxygen or organic matter (Merz 1984, Woodin 1983, Thistle et al. 1984, in O’Brien Ross and Keough 2006). The physical structure of the fan worm's body may deter other fauna. O’Brien Ross and Keough (2006) found that the sediment underlying clumps of Sabella had significantly lower abundances of cumaceans, ostracods and harpacticoid copepods (all taxa of small (<1mm) crustaceans that live on or in the sediment) (Jones 1963, in O’Brien Ross and Keough 2006).
Sessile and mobile epifauna (amphipods, barnacles and serpulid polychaetes) colonise Sabella tubes and their combined filter feeding capacity is much greater than the filter feeding capacity of communities associated with both seagrass beds and bare sediments (Lemmens et al. 1996, in O’Brien Ross and Keough 2006). This may result in a reduction of the amount of organic material in the water column, as well as reducing the amount of food available for detrivores (including cumaceans, harpacticoid copepods and some ostracods) in the underlying sediment (Jones 1963; Kornicker 1993, Dussart and Defaye 1995, in O’Brien Ross and Keough 2006).
High levels of relatively toxic forms of arsenic and its compounds can accumulate in polychates; Sabella has particularly high concentrations in the branchial crown and it is suggested to be an anti-predatory strategy (Fattorini et al. 2004, in NIMPIS 2002).
Physical: Physical removal is being used to eradicate annually small numbers of S. spallanzanii from Australian ports, where re-introduction routinely occurs from nearby source populations (Thresher and Kuris 2004). Because of this spread there appears to be a high risk of future range-expansions of the European fan worm by ship movement in Australia (Currie McArthur and Cohen 2000).
Manual: Manual removal via diver collection is generally only useful for new incursions and before the fan worm has begun to reproduce. Regular monitoring and physical removal by scuba divers is being used in Eden Harbour (New South Wales, Australia) by NSW Fisheries to prevent S. spallanzanii from becoming established. The appearance of new individuals between removals is attributed to the reintroduction of the fan worm by vessels travelling from Port Phillip Bay to Eden (C. Hewitt Pers. Comm., in NIMPIS 2002). Care and diver education is of primary importance in this program because of the presence of similar-looking native fan worms species in Australia (NIMPIS 2002).
Recent work by mussel growers in Port Phillip Bay indicates that 24 hour air exposure of mussel ropes kills small native seastars and many epiphytic biota (such as Sabella spallanzanii). However there is always the likelihood of some individuals surviving in amongst the denser clusters of mussels (Garnham 1998, in NIMPIS 2002).