Species Description
Brassica elongata is a biennial to perennial plant with erect stems up to 1 metre tall. The basal leaves are pinnately lobed to shallowly toothed; the stem leaves are much reduced, and do not clasp the stem. The petals are 6-8.5mm long. The fruits are 1-4cm long, with a stalk-like base above the sepal scars and a seedless narrow beak. (Stace et al, undated).
The Euro+Med Plantbase Project (2006) lists five subspecies of B. elongata: B. elongata Ehrh. ssp. elongata, B. elongata ssp. imdrhasiana Quézel, B. elongata ssp. integrifolia (Boiss.) Breistr., B. elongata ssp. pinnatifida (Schmalh.) Greuter & Burdet, and B. elongata ssp. subscaposa (Maire & Weiller) Maire.
Brassica elongata is cultivated in Estonia (EME, undated) and is considered a potential gene source for improving quality in rape crops (ARS-GRIN, 2006).
Habitat Description
Young et al, in discussing the distribution of Brassica elongata along US Highway 50 near Eureka, Nevada, US says that \"the remarkable part of this distribution is the rugged topography and variety of plant communities it encompasses.\" The Eureka, Nevada distribution also includes areas of salt affected soil, highly variable annual precipitation, and considerable change in elevation. (Young et al, 2003)
On the Great Basin rangeland, in the US, Brassica elongata \"produces abundant seeds that germinate over a wide variety of constant and alternating temperatures.\" (Young et al, 2003). Germination of B. elongata seeds is, however, extremely limited at very cold seedbed temperatures. The ability to germinate at these temperatures is a competitive advantage for other exotic species on the Great Basin rangeland. (Young et al, 2003)
Principal source:
Compiler: National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) & IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)
Publication date: 2007-01-09
Recommended citation: Global Invasive Species Database (2025) Species profile: Brassica elongata. Downloaded from http://iucngisd.org/gisd/species.php?sc=1064 on 28-03-2025.