Principal source: Wilber, P., Iocco, L. E., Diaz, R. J., Clarke, D. G., & Will, R. J., undated, Benthic Habitats in NY/NJ Harbor, Army Corp. of Engineers (USACE), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Compiler: National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) & IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)
Publication date: 2007-05-14
Recommended citation: Global Invasive Species Database (2025) Species profile: Gemma gemma. Downloaded from on 28-03-2025.
The gem clam has also shown under a variety of labaratory conditions to increase the larval settlement of another species of clam, Mercenaria mercenaria (Ahn, 1993). Preferential settlement of M. mercenaria increased with increasing density of G. gemma in the sediment, suggesting that the gem clam alters the environment in some way that benefits larval settlement of other species (Ahn, 1993).
Preventive measures: Preventive measures include a focused approach on estuarine habitats in California, and not on entire coastal sections of the state. This recommendation comes from a study that cataloged the comparative numbers of exotic species in open coast habitats to estuarine habitats and found that the greatest exotic species diversity and minimal native species diveristy was found in estaurine sites (Wasson, 2005). Some ways for prevention of further introduction is minimizing human impacts in estuarine ecosystems by reducing the number and frequency of artificial land formations, like jetties, docks, gravel bars, etc. (Wasson, 2005). Other preventive options include stronger regualtions on mariculture operations like oyster farming, and the introduction of new species that could potentially transmit other invasive species. Antifoulling and ballast water regulations need to be strictly enforced (Wasson, 2005).
Cultural: Increased education and research on the biology and habitat of the gem-clam and its effects in marine and freshwater ecosystems is needed, to better understand the dynamics of these ecosystems in order to manage them in ways that is beneficial to the environment and native populations (Wasson, 2005).
Integrated management: A possible effective way of stabilizing gem clam populations so that they do not overwhlem native populations is through control of introduced invasive predators like the European green crab. If the green crab population was kept low enough to ward off some predation on the native species, then native populations may return to normal status (Grosholz, 2005).