Ballardo, W.S., Quijano, F.M., & Sol�s, M.E.M. 1996. Range extensions for Hemidactylus frenatus in M�xico. Herpetological Review, 27: 40.
Barquero, Marco D., Hilje, Branko. 2005. House Wren preys on introduced gecko in Costa Rica. Wilson Bulletin. 117(2). JUN 2005. 204-205.
Barton, Diane P. 2007. Pentastomid parasites of the introduced Asian house gecko, Hemidactylus frenatus (Gekkonidae), in Australia. Comparative Parasitology. 74(2). JUL 2007. 254-259.
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Case, Ted J; Bolger, Douglas T; Petren, Ken., 1994. Invasions and competitive displacement among house geckos in the tropical Pacific. Ecology (Tempe). 75(2). 1994. 464-477.
Case, T.J., Bolger, D.T., Petren, K. 1994. Invasions and competitive displacement among house geckos in the tropical Pacific. Ecology 75 (2), pp. 464-477.
Cole, N.C. 2005b. The ecological impact of the invasive house gecko Hemidactylus frenatus upon endemic Mauritian geckos. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Bristol, UK.
Cole, N.C. 2009a. A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Mauritius. Mauritian Wildlife Foundation, Vacoas, Mauritius.
Cole, N.C. 2009b. Herpetofaunal observations on Eagle Island, Middle Brother, North Brother and Diego Garcia, with an overview of previous records in the Chagos Archipelago. Phelsuma 17: 40-48.
Cole, N.C., Jones, C.G., Harris, S. 2005. The need for enemy-free space: The impact of an invasive gecko on island endemics. Biological Conservation Volume 125, Issue 4, October 2005, Pages 467-474.
CONABIO. 2008. Sistema de informaci�n sobre especies invasoras en M�xico. Especies invasoras - Reptiles. Comisi�n Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad. Fecha de acceso.Summary: English:
The species list sheet for the Mexican information system on invasive species currently provides information related to Scientific names, family, group and common names, as well as habitat, status of invasion in Mexico, pathways of introduction and links to other specialised websites. Some of the higher risk species already have a direct link to the alert page. It is important to notice that these lists are constantly being updated, please refer to the main page (, under the section Novedades for information on updates.
Invasive species - reptiles is available from: [Accessed 30 July 2008]
La lista de especies del Sistema de informaci�n sobre especies invasoras de m�xico cuenta actualmente con informaci�n aceca de nombre cient�fico, familia, grupo y nombre com�n, as� como h�bitat, estado de la invasi�n en M�xico, rutas de introducci�n y ligas a otros sitios especializados. Algunas de las especies de mayor riesgo ya tienen una liga directa a la p�gina de alertas. Es importante resaltar que estas listas se encuentran en constante proceso de actualizaci�n, por favor consulte la portada (, en la secci�n novedades, para conocer los cambios.
Especies invasoras - Reptiles is available from: [Accessed 30 July 2008]
Couper, Patrick J; Lauren D. Keim & Conrad J. Hoskin., 2007. A new velvet Gecko (Gekkonidae: Oedura) from south-east Queensland, Australia. Zootaxa 1587: 27�41 (2007)
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Galina-Tessaro, Patricia; Alfredo Ortega-Rubio; Sergio Alvarez-C�rdenas & Gustavo Arnaud., 1999. Colonization of Socorro Island (Mexico), by the tropical house gecko Hemidactylus frenatus (Squamata: Gekkonidae). Rev. biol. trop v.47 n.1-2 San Jos� jun. 1999
Gill, B. J., 1993. The land reptiles of Western Samoa. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 23(2). 1993. 79-89.
Goldberg, Stephen R; Charles R. Bursey; Hay Cheam., 1998. Gastrointestinal Helminths of Four Gekkonid Lizards, Gehyra mutilata, Gehyra oceanica, Hemidactylus frenatus and Lepidodactylus lugubris from the Mariana Islands, Micronesia. The Journal of Parasitology, Vol. 84, No. 6 (Dec., 1998), pp. 1295-1298
Greenbaum, Eli., 2002. Hemidactylus frenatus (common house Gecko). Herpetological Review. 33(1). March, 2002. 65-66.
Hanley, Kathryn A; Vollmer, Dana M; Case, Ted J., 1995. The distribution and prevalence of helminths, coccidia and blood parasites in two competing species of gecko: Implications for apparent competition. Oecologia (Berlin). 102(2). 1995. 220-229.
Hanley, K., Petren, K., Case, T. 1998. An experimental investigation of the competitive displacement of a native gecko by an invading gecko: no role for parasites. Oecologia (1998) 115:196�205.
Heriberto Valdez-Villavicencio, Jorge, Peralta-Garcia, Anny. 2008. Hemidactylus frenatus (Sauria: Gekkonidae) in Northwestern Mexico. Acta Zoologica Mexicana Nueva Serie. 24(3). DEC 2008. 229-230.
Summary: New records of the introduced gecko Hemidactylus frenatus from northwestern Mexico are provided. One of them represents the first record for the state of Sonora.
Horner, Paul., 2005. Survey for terrestrial reptiles of Ashmore Reef National Nature Reserve. Beagle. FEB 05. 131-132.
Ineich, Ivan., 2009. Herpetological survey of Maiao Island, Society Archipelago (French Polynesia; Inventaire herpetologique de l ile de Maiao, archipel de la Societe (Polynesie francaise). Bulletin de la Societe Herpetologique de France.(130-31). 2009. 51-63.
Ineich, Ivan; Gouni, Anne; Blanc, Ludwig; Durieux, Jean; Butaud, Jean-Fran Ois., 2007. Lizards of Niau Atoll, Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia. Herpetological Review. 38(4). DEC 2007. 491-492.
Jadin, Robert C; Altamirano, Marco A; Yanez-Munoz, Mario H; Smith, Eric N., 2009. First record of the common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) in Ecuador. Applied Herpetology. 6(2, Sp. Iss. SI). 2009. 193-195.
Kraus, Fred., 2009. Alien Reptiles and Amphibians A Scientifi c Compendium and Analysis; In Invading Nature- Springer Series in Invasion Ecology Volume 4 Series Editor: James A. Drake University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, U.S.A.
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Krysko, K.L., Sheehy III, C.M. & Hooper, A.N. 2003. Interspecific communal oviposition and reproduction of four species of lizards (Sauria: Gekkonidae) in the lower Florida Keys. Amphibia-Reptilia 24: 390�396.
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Newbery, Brock and Jones, Darryl. 2008. Presence of Asian House Gecko Hemidactylus frenatus across an urban gradient in Brisbane: influence of habitat and potential for impact on native gecko species. Pest or Guest: the zoology of overabundance, Pp 59 - 65.
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