Principal source:
Compiler: Interim compiled by Ben Phalan, Conservation Science Group Department of Zoology University of Cambridge United Kingdom & IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)
Updates with support from the Overseas Territories Environmental Programme (OTEP) project XOT603, a joint project with the Cayman Islands Government - Department of Environment
Publication date: 2009-12-10
Recommended citation: Global Invasive Species Database (2025) Species profile: Bambusa vulgaris. Downloaded from on 29-03-2025.
Physical: Digging plants out may require heavy equipment. Continuing removal will probably be necessary due to resprouting. Continued cutting or mowing will eventually kill most plants by exhausting food reserves. Livestock will graze shoots but cannot bring down large plants once established (PIER 2007). Toxic effects have been noted in horses that ingested large quantities of leaves (Barbosa et al. 2006).
Chemical: Remove tops and spray regrowth with Glyphosate or Amitrole 2%, or imazapyr or glyphosate plus fluazifop. Velpar can be used but is persistent in the soil. However, it has been reported that glyphosate does not adequately translocate to the rhizomes (PIER 2007).
The effectiveness of the use of herbicides to eradicate weedy bamboo was investifgated in Puerto Rico. The study Cruzado et al, (1961) found that out of the 25 different compunds tested on a total of 12 bamboo species, the most effective treatements were the application of monuron, TCA and dalapon to the bases of intact or cut bamboo culms and the use of amitrole as a spray for regrowth. Combinations of these treatments were found to be most effective againast B. vulgaris. The authors note that highly resistant species required a second treatment. They also note that decaying of dead bamboo is slow.