Principal source: Matthew P. Kweskin, Evergreen State College, WA.
Invasive Species in the Pacific: A Technical Review and Draft Regional Strategy (2000) (SPREP)
Compiler: IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)
Publication date: 2009-06-25
Recommended citation: Global Invasive Species Database (2025) Species profile: Vespula pensylvanica. Downloaded from on 11-03-2025.
Monitoring: In Hawaii populations are monitored closely to aid in future analyses of distribution. This is accomplished using “yelllowjacket inns” baited with heptyl butyrate chemical attractant (Gruner & Foote, 2000). Directions for use can be found in Management Strategies for Western Yellowjackets in Hawaii.
Chemical: \"Almost as soon as the 1977 population was discovered, nest eradication and/or control programmes were initiated on various islands in Hawai‘i to attempt to control the yellowjacket. The toxicant bendiocarb, used for nest eradication, is not registered in the USA for use in agricultural situations, so its implementation had to be outside of agricultural fields. Chang (1988) discusses the use of toxic baiting in the control of yellowjackets. His results showed that the most effective combination of bait and chemical toxicant was 0.5% microencapsulated diazinon mixed with canned Figaro brand tuna cat food. Amidino-hydrazone in a similar bait mix was also effective, but less so than than diazinon mix. Dispenser colour for the bait also proved critical, the preferred colour of bait dispenser being translucent white.\"