Schlarbaum et al. (1999) states that, \"Butternuts were often planted on farmsteads, close to the house. Nut kernels were used in baking, and cultivars have been selected for orchard production (Millikan and Stefan, 1989). The husk surrounding the nut was often used to dye fabrics. In the American Civil War, the colour of Confederate uniforms was created using butternut husks as a source of dye.\" Paterson (1993) states that, \"Deer love to rub their newly formed antlers on the smooth bark of young J. cinerea trees in autumn. Large bark wounds result, and canker seems to quickly enter.\"
The fungus can be readily isolated in pure culture from both infected wood and bark. In culture, the fungus forms both hyphal pegs and pycnidia in the central part of the colony, or in concentric circles as the colony develops (Nair et al. 1979). Pycnidia also develop at the tip of the hyphal pegs (Kuntz and Nair, 1982). In diseased tissue, the fungus forms dark brown to black stroma of abundant, septate, branced mycelium below the outermost layer of bark from which arise prominent hyphal pegs made up of interwoven mycelium. These pegs lift and rupture the bark. Pycnidia which arise from eustroma are glabrous, non-rostrate, innate to erumpent, without a clypeus, globose to flatten.The pycnidial cavity is simple, convoluted or multilocular; uni or multiostiolate. Condiophores are simple or branched, septate with momphyletic conidiogenous cells which produce fusiform, hyaline, two-celled median septate conidia, 1-17 x 1.0-1.5 um. Conidia are single or contenate, extruded through the ostiole in a glutinous beige to tan matrix. During germination the germ tubes arise from the swollen cells terminally or laterally. (Nair et al. 1979).
Host Parasite Interactions: Artificial inoculations of eight-week-old seedling and 10 year-old field planting of butternut and black walnut with spore suspensions in distilled water have reveals that the spores can germinate and penetrate through lenticell, fresh wounds and fresh leaf scars. Mycelial development from germinated spores was observed on the surface of fresh leaf scars and hyphae penetrated the host cells at the leaf scars. Hyphae advanced penetrating the phloemparenchyma intracellulary and between the phloem fibre elements intercellularly. Hyphae also penetrated intracellularly and uni and multi-seriate xylem ray cells and parenchyma cells. For the first time globose pycnidia were observed in inoculated black walnut seedlings. Samples from natural infections of butternut clearly showed that hyphal pegs originated from a stroma formed below the outermost layer of bark. The stroma was composed of interwoven mycelium phellogen, phloem parenchyma and cambial cells.
Native Americans boiling the tree sap to make syrup beverages. Sugar may be produced from the sap of this species as in sugar maple (Van Dersal, 1938). The boiled nuts are used to produce buttery-flavoured liquid in order to make a mush for baby food. Nuts were used in breads, cakes, soups, and relishes. The inner bark of the root is the best for medicinal use which should be collected in May or June. It has a mild cathartic property and may be used as a habitual laxative, as well as for dysentery and hepatic congestions. The expressed oil of the fruit removes tapeworm. The fruit when half-grown is made into pickles (Grieve, 1998).
Host Range: Recent research studies using artificial inoculations have revealed that the pathogen can attack other highly valuable species of the family Juglandaceae; such as black walnut, Japanese walnut, Persian walnut, and heartnut as well as various hybrids of these species. This wide host range of the pathogen has attracted international concern. Both seedlings (Feberspiel and Nair, 1982) and 10 to 20 year old field planted trees of all species mentioned proved to be susceptible (Orchard et al. 1982, Gabka 1986). In addition, black walnuts growing in a mixed stand of severely diseased butternuts have been found infected naturally. However, heartnut, Japanese walnut and hybrids between then and butternut exhibited greater resistance to the pathogen, developing smaller cankers, than the highly valuable black walnut and Persian walnut. (Nair, V.M.G. 1999)
Principal source: Anderson, 1996. Butternut Canker
Nair, V.M.G.,1999. Butternut Canker - An International Concern. In Biotechnology and Plant Protection in Forestry Science (eds) S.P. Raychaudhuri; K. Maramorosch.
Nair, V.M.G., et al. 2003. Conservation Assesment for Butternut or White walnut. Primary threat, butternut canker caused by Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum, Nair, Kostichka, Kuntz-threat to Juglans cinerea survival. J. Schultz, E. Nauertz, B. Braden, A. Lucus (eds)
Compiler: National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) & IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)
Review: V. M. Ganga Nair, Ph.D. Professor Natural and Applied Sciences - Forest Pathology \ Herbert Fisk Johnson, Professor of Environmental Studies \ University of Wisconsin - Green Bay USA
Publication date: 2005-03-18
Recommended citation: Global Invasive Species Database (2025) Species profile: Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum. Downloaded from on 28-03-2025.
Anderson (1996) states that, \"S. clavigignenti-juglandacearum kills trees of all ages. Branches and young saplings may be killed by a single canker, however, older trees are killed by multiple, coalescing cankers that either progressively kill the crown or eventually girdle the stem. Sprouts, if they develop, also become infected and are killed usually within the first few years. The nut husk can also become infected. USDA Forest Service Inventory and Analysis forest inventory data show a dramatic decrease in the number of live butternut trees in the United States. Live butternut decreased by 58 percent in Wisconsin and 84 percent in Michigan in the last 15 years. A recent Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources survey revealed that 91 percent of the live butternut throughout Wisconsin were diseased (Cummings and Carlson, 1993). Surveys in the southeast United States revealed that 77 percent of the butternut have been killed in North Carolina and Virginia, and infected trees continue to be found in new counties in most of the United States. (U.S.D.A. Forest Service, 1995 a and 1995 b.).