Gardener, Mark R.; Atkinson, Rachel; Renteria, Jorge Luis. 2010. Eradications and People: Lessons from the Plant Eradication Program in Galapagos . Restoration Ecology. 18(1). JAN 2010. 20-29.
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Kriticos, Darren; Brown, Joel; Radford, Ian; Nicholas, Mike, 1999. Plant population ecology and biological control: Acacia nilotica as a case study. Biological Control. 16(2). Oct., 1999. 230-239.
Kriticos, Darren J.; Brown, Joel R.; Maywald, Gunter F.; Radford, Ian D.; Nicholas, D. Mike; Sutherst, Robert W.; Adkins, Steve W., 2003. SPAnDX: A process-based population dynamics model to explore management and climate change impacts on an invasive alien plant, Acacia nilotica. Ecological Modelling. 163(3). 15 May, 2003. 187-208.
Kriticos, D. J.; Sutherst, R. W.; Brown, J. R.; Adkins, S. W.; Maywald, G. F., 2003. Climate change and the potential distribution of an invasive alien plant: Acacia nilotica ssp. indica in Australia. Journal of Applied Ecology. 40(1). February 2003. 111-124.
Kueffer, C. and Mauremootoo, J., 2004. Case Studies on the Status of Invasive Woody Plant Species in the Western Indian Ocean. 3. Mauritius (Islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues). Forest Health & Biosecurity Working Papers FBS/4-3E. Forestry Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Lawes, Roger A.; Wallace, Jeremy F., 2008. Monitoring an invasive perennial at the landscape scale with remote sensing . Ecological Management & Restoration. 9(1). APR 2008. 53-59.
Mack, Richard N., 2003. Phylogenetic constraint, absent life forms, and preadapted alien plants: A prescription for biological invasions. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 164 (3 Supplement). May 2003. S185-S196.
Radford, Ian J.; Nicholas, D. Michael; Brown, Joel R.; Kriticos, Darren J., 2001. Paddock-scale patterns of seed production and dispersal in the invasive shrub Acacia nilotica (Mimosaceae) in northern Australian rangelands. Austral Ecology. 26(4). August, 2001. 338-348.
Radford, Ian J.; Nicholas, D. Mike; Brown, Joel R., 2001. Assessment of the biological control impact of seed predators on the invasive shrub Acacia nilotica (Prickly Acacia) in Australia . Biological Control. 20(3). March, 2001. 261-268.
Renter�a, Jorge Luis; Rachel Atkinson & Chris Buddenhagen., 2007. Estrategias para la erradicaci�n de 21 especies de plantas. Fundaci�n Charles Darwin, Departamento de Bot�nica. Programa de Especies Invasoras en Gal�pagos potencialmente invasoras en Gal�pagos.Summary: This document comprises costed eradication plans for 21 invasive species in Galapagos. The plans were developed as part of a GEF funded project ECU/00/G31 �Control of Invasive species in the Galapagos Archipelago�. The management plans report projects at different stages of development and for species that have invaded to different extents. Three of the projects have already been finished successfully, 5 have yet to be started, and for the rest the projects have been running for between 1 and 6 years. The cost and time needed for eradication varies considerably by species and demonstrates the importance of species eradication as soon as possible after detection
El presente documento proporciona planes de manejo y el costo para la erradicaci�n de 21 especies que se encuentran presentes en Gal�pagos. Los planes fueron desarrollados como parte del proyecto ECU/00/G31 Control de las especies invasoras en el Archipi�lago de las Gal�pagos , suscrito por el Gobierno Ecuatoriano, representado por el Ministerio del Ambiente, con el Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (GEF). El Proyecto es implementado por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (UNDP), tiene como instituciones ejecutoras al Servicio Parque Nacional Gal�pagos (SPNG), Instituto Nacional Gal�pagos (INGALA), Servicio Ecuatoriano de Sanidad Agropecuaria-Gal�pagos (SESA-Gal�pagos), y Fundaci�n Charles Darwin (FCD). Los planes de manejo representan proyectos en diferentes estados de desarrollo y dimensi�n. Tres de estos proyectos ya han sido desarrollados completamente, trece est�n en proceso y cinco a�n no se han iniciado. El costo y tiempo para la erradicaci�n varia considerablemente seg�n la especie y se muestra la importancia econ�mica que implica desarrollar proyectos de erradicaci�n tan pronto las especies son detectadas.
Witt A. B. R 2004. Aceria liopeltus Meyer (Acari: Eriophyidae) and Asterolecanium conspicuum Brain (Herniptera: Asterolecaniidae), two potential biological control agents for Acacia nilotica ssp. indica (Mimosaceae) in Queensland, Australia. African Entomology 12, 142-6.
Fournet, J. 2002. Flore illustr�e des phan�rogames de guadeloupe et de Martinique. CIRAD-Gondwana editions.
ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System), 2008. Online Database Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex DelileSummary: An online database that provides taxonomic information, common names, synonyms and geographical jurisdiction of a species. In addition links are provided to retrieve biological records and collection information from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Data Portal and bioscience articles from BioOne journals.
Available from: [Accessed 13 March 2008]
Kairo, Moses; Bibi Ali; Oliver Cheesman; Karen Haysom and Sean Murphy, 2003. Invasive Species Threats in the Caribbean Region. Report to The Nature Conservancy.
MacKee, H.S. 1994. Catalogue des plantes introduites et cultiv�es en Nouvelle-Cal�donie, 2nd edn. MNHN, Paris.
Summary: Cet ouvrage liste 1412 taxons (esp�ces, sous esp�ces et vari�t�s) introduits en Nouvelle-Cal�donie. L auteur pr�cise dans la majorit� des cas si l esp�ce est cultiv�e ou naturalis�e.
Meyer, Jean-Yves & Loope, Lloyd & Sheppard, A. & Munzinger, Jérôme & Jaffré, Tanguy. (2006). Les plantes envahissantes et potentiellement envahissantes dans l'archipel néo-calédonien : première évaluation et recommandantions de gestion.