Seed dormancy of R. crispus is disputed in the literature. Viable seeds have been found after 80 years, 39 yeas and 60 years of burial in various studies (Reviewed in Cavers & Harper, 1964).
It is found on nearly all soil types, except highly acid soils. In general Rumex species prefer soil with high nitrogen, and grow faster than most other co-occurring species (Zaller, 2004). R. crispus has a lower requirement for soil nutrients than R. obtusifolius, but higher requirement for soil moisture (Zaller, 2004). Altitudinal limits around the world vary from 2300 m in the Middle East, 2520 m in New Mexico, 3000 m in Persia to 3500 m in Argentina (Cavers & Harper, 1964 and references therein). It appears to be unaffected by severe drought or frost. It can occur in waterlogged soils, but is less successful. It has low competitive ability as a seedling and cannot establish under closed communities (Cavers & Harper, 1964).
Seeds can germinate in any month of the year, as long as conditions are not too dry or cold. After fruiting about half of plants die, while the other half produce a winter rosette (Lousley, 1944b in Cavers & Harper, 1964).
Principal source: Cavers, P.B. & Harpeer, J.L. 1964. Rumex obtusifolius L. and R. crispus L. Journal of Ecology, 52(3): 737-766.
Zaller, J.G. 2004. Ecology and non-chemical control of Rumex crispus and R. obtusifolius (Polygonaceae): a review. Weed Research, 44: 414-432.
Compiler: IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) with support from the Overseas Territories Environmental Programme (OTEP) project XOT603, a joint project with the Cayman Islands Government - Department of Environment
Publication date: 2010-06-08
Recommended citation: Global Invasive Species Database (2025) Species profile: Rumex crispus. Downloaded from on 28-03-2025.
The presence of both species are to some extent, indicators of mismanagement of land, of high soil nitrogen concentrations and with R. crispus, soil compaction. They are successful on agricultural land due to flowering several times a year, production of large amounts of seed which remain viable for many years, ability to quickly establish from seed and ability to germainte in a wide range of conditions. They can also regrow from vegetative fragments left in the soil (Cavers & Harper, 1964)
While in general R. crispus is not common in native plant communities (Ellenberg, 1986 in Zaller, 2004) it is stimulated and distributed by human activities, and is an early coloniser of disturbed areas in lowland and upland. R. crispus may also serve as a host for diseases, pests and parasites.
R. crispus appears to be relatively vulnerable at early stages of development; once the taproot has formed it has great advantage over shallower rooted grasses and herbs, and can be very difficult to eradicate (Zaller, 2004). The long-term goal of control measures against Rumex is to reduce build-up of seeds and weaken their regrowth capacity by removing or destroying their above- and below-ground biomass.
Chemical: R. crispus is sensitive to many herbicides, especially synthetic auxins (MCPA, 2,4-D, dicamba, dichlorprop-P, fluroxypyr, etc.) and many sulphonylureas (tribenuron, thifensulfuron, amidosulfuron, etc.) (Jursík et al., 2008). Thifensulfuron can be used for dock management in perennial legume stands, good efficacy is also shown by asulam, which is recommended for local application only, due to lower selectivity (Jursík et al., 2008).
Public concern about pesticides in the environment has led to greater demand for non-chemical control methods and the development of mechanical and cultural measures to control plants (Zaller, 2004).
Mechanical: If herbicides are not used, the best option is control via manual removal or destruction of plants. This can be achieved via hand weeding, although is only suggested for use in small areas as it is labour intensive. It is necessary to remove the tap root to a depth of 20 cm in order to prevent regrowth (Zaller, 2004). Recent developments in mechanical control include a motor-driven dock pulling machine which can pull up about 600 Rumex plants per hour (Pötsch, 2003 in Zaller, 2004).
Well developed R. obtusifolis plants can be difficult to control with cutting or grazing. Because of rapid replenishment of carbohydrate in roots, plants require repeated defoliation over a period of several years, which can be achieved by frequent cutting or grazing (Stilmant et al., 2010). However, increased cutting frequencies may increase disturbance and offer opportunities for new seedlings to germinate and establish (Grossrieder & Keary, 2004).
Grazing: Grazing by sheep has been proposed as an alternative to manual removal, but may not be as effective as hand pulling (Van Middelkoop et al. 2005 in Van Evert et al., 2009). While Rumex species are unpalatable to many livestock, they are a favourite of deer (Cavers & Harper, 1965). More studies should focus on mixed grazing (e.g. cows and goats) to control Rumex (Zaller, 2004).
Cultural: Mechanical removal can be combined with grassland renewal and rotation with a grain crop (Van Middelkoop et al., 2005 in Van Evert et al., 2005). Some authors have suggested combating the problem of regrowth by leaving the ground as a bare fallow following a rotary cultivation in spring, so that the unearthed root fragments are killed by desiccation (in Grossrieder & Keary 2004). As Rumex seedlings require high light, control through shading may be effective (Zaller, 2004).
Biological: Numerous insects and fungi have been proposed as biological control agents for R. obtusifolius. The most thoroughly studied organisms are the beetle Gastrophysa viridula and the rust fungus Uromyces rumicis. Studies with Coleoptera have found reductions in seed production, regeneration, and leaf and shoot growth. Similarly studies with fungi have found similar effects and increased root rotting. Efficacy of biological control tends to be more effective when plants are already stressed by environmental conditions (Reviewed by Zaller, 2004).