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Common name
Elaeagnus pungens , Thunb. subsp. eupungens
Elaeagnus pungens , Thunb. var. typica C.K. Schneid.
Elaeagnus pungens , Thunb. forma aurea (Servett.) Rehder
Elaeagnus pungens , Thunb. forma masculata Veitch
Elaeagnus pungens , Thunb. var. variegata Rheder
Elaeagnus pungens , Thunb. var. simonii (Carrière) G. Nicholson
Elaeagnus reflexa , E. Morren & Decne.
Elaeagnus pungens , Thunb.var. reflexa(E. Morren & Decne.) Rehder
Elaeagnus pungens , Thunb. var. aureovariegataBean
Elaeagnus pungens , Thunb.var. fredericiBean
Elaeagnus simonii , Carrière
Elaeagnus pungens , Thunb.subsp. simonii(Carrière) Servett.
Similar species
Elaeagnus angustifolia, Elaeagnus umbellata
Originally from eastern Asia, Elaeagnus pungens has found its way to the United States, New Zealand and Europe. It is a plant that may out-compete other plants for sunlight because of its outward growth (it can grow as tall as 8 m). Its ability to grow in most soils makes it easy to move into natural areas and take over the native vegetation. This particular species can be controlled with the herbicides.
Species Description
Elaeagnus pungens is an evergreen shrub that can grow 1-8 m. There are multiple dense stems with short shoots and small leaves that become branched or unbranched thorns 1-4cm long. In the second year, lateral branches are produced and are followed by flowers in the fall. The lateral branches, in the summer, ascend into surrounding trees and have dark bark and thorns. Twigs have brown scales, but when young are hairy (Miller, 2003). The leaves are thick, silver-brown, alternate, oval, and scaly underneath. Leaves can reach lengths from 1-10cm and .5-5cm width. There are irregular wavy margins. Spring blade surface is silver-scaly eventually turning dark green with dense silver-scaly and brown scales scattered. Petioles are 4-5mm long (Miller, 2003). There are axillary clusters of flowers (1-3 flowers; 1cm long). Silvery-white to brown. Tubular, four lobes and fragrant (Miller, 2003). Fruits are oblong and 1-1.5cm. Contains one nutlet. They ripe from white to red with dotted brown scales (Miller, 2003).
Elaeagnus pungens is often planted in highway medians. It is also used for ornamental purposes (Richmond, undated).
Habitat Description
Elaeagnus pungens is drought tolerant (Stamps, 2001) and can grow in most soils (BSA, 2002).
The seeds of Elaeagnus pungens are dispersed by animals (Miller, 2003).

Principal source: Miller , J.H. 2003. Nonnative invasive plants of southern forests: a field guide for identification and control. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-62. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 93p.;

Compiler: National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) & IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)

Review: Dr. Gian-Reto Walther, Dept. Plant Ecology University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth/Germany

Publication date: 2005-01-24

Recommended citation: Global Invasive Species Database (2025) Species profile: Elaeagnus pungens. Downloaded from http://iucngisd.org/gisd/species.php?sc=273 on 29-03-2025.

General Impacts
Elaeagnus pungens moves into natural areas and takes over native vegetation (BSA, 2002).
Management Info
Chemical: Douce and Hudson (undated) state, \"thoroughly wet the leaves with Arsenal AC or Vanquish as a 1-percent solution in water with a surfactant (April to October).\" If the stem is too high, spray the leaves with Garlon 4 as a 20% solution with basal oil, diesel fuel, or kerosene. Cut large stems and treat the stumps with Arsenal AC (10% solution) or glyphosate (20% solution) in water (Douce and Hudson, undated).
Countries (or multi-country features) with distribution records for Elaeagnus pungens
  • china
  • japan
Informations on Elaeagnus pungens has been recorded for the following locations. Click on the name for additional informations.
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Impact information
Elaeagnus pungens moves into natural areas and takes over native vegetation (BSA, 2002).
Red List assessed species 0:
Management information
Chemical: Douce and Hudson (undated) state, \"thoroughly wet the leaves with Arsenal AC or Vanquish as a 1-percent solution in water with a surfactant (April to October).\" If the stem is too high, spray the leaves with Garlon 4 as a 20% solution with basal oil, diesel fuel, or kerosene. Cut large stems and treat the stumps with Arsenal AC (10% solution) or glyphosate (20% solution) in water (Douce and Hudson, undated).
23 references found for Elaeagnus pungens

Management information
Akerson, J., K. Gounaris. 2000. Strategic Plan for Managing Alien Invasive Vegetation: Colonial National Historical Park, Yorktown, Virginia.
Summary: This paper looks at everything necessary to keep the historic site of Yorktown, VA, preserved.
Available from: http://home.nps.gov/applications/nature/documents/ACF34.pdf [Accessed May 8, 2007]
Douce, G.K., W. Hudson. Undated. Trees: Forest Tree Insect Control.
Summary: Available from: http://pubs.caes.uga.edu/caespubs/PMH/PMH-COM-trees.pdf [Accessed May 8, 2007]
General information
Berger S., Soehlke G., Walther G.-R. & Pott, R. 2007. Bioclimatic limits and range shifts of cold-hardy evergreen broad-leaved species at their northern distributional limit in Europe. Phytocoenologia, 37(3-4): 523-539.
Summary: Abstract: The few native evergreen broad-leaved species occurring in central Europe have attracted the interest of generations of scientists; thus, the factors limiting their northern distribution have been well studied. For investigation of climate change-driven range shifts, these climate-sensitive species are particularly well suited. We here analyse recent range shifts of some of the cold-hardiest evergreen broad-leaved species, including both native and introduced species in Europe.
Based on updated field data and outputs from bioclimatic models, we show that the milder winter conditions of the last few decades are consistent with the northward expansion of potential ranges and an increase in the number of evergreen broad-leaved species. At the landscape scale, these species indicate a considerable change in the composition and structure of temperate deciduous forests in various parts of Europe.
Berger S. & Walther G.-R. 2006. Distribution of evergreen broad-leaved woody species in Insubria in relation to bedrock and precipitation. Botanica Helvetica 116/1: 65-77.
Summary: Abstract: An increasing number of evergreen broad-leaved species has naturalised in deciduous lowland forests near the lakes of southern Switzerland and northern Italy (Insubria), favoured by rising winter temperatures of the last few decades.We investigated how the abundance of these species varies across the Insubrian region, and whether distribution patterns can be explained by the responses of particular species to local environmental constraints. Species composition, cover values and maximal size of exotic and indigenous evergreen broad-leaved species were recorded at 22 study sites throughout the Insubrian region and analysed in relation to the regional precipitation gradient and geological bedrock.The survey revealed distinct differences in the distribution and composition of evergreen broad-leaved species: some species were restricted to the moister western part of Insubria, probably due to low drought tolerance, whereas other species were mainly found in the drier eastern part of Insubria or on calcareous rock, probably due to competitive exclusion from more fertile sites.These ecological preferences generally correspond to those reported from the core range of the species, but some local limitations suggest a restricted ecological breadth of species occurring at their northern range margin.
Berger S. & Walther G.-R. 2007 Immergr�ne Laubgeh�lze � Indikatoren des Klimawandels? Berichte der Reinhold-T�xen-Gesellschaft 19: 44-59 (in German).
Summary: Climate is an important factor limiting plant species� ranges. In recent years a global warming trend has been observed, hence, impacts on the distribution of plants and the composition of the vegetation are expected. Evergreen broad-leaved species are at their northern boundary of distribution in Central Europe. Their northern range margins are limited by low winter temperatures. However, limiting parameters are species specific due to the species� biological traits. It is essential to investigate and discuss these species specific parameters in detail to understand recent range shifts of the respective species. The limiting parameters and relevant biological traits of selected evergreen broad-leaved woody species are discussed in this paper. Furthermore it provides an overview of the current distribution of the species in a Central European perspective, regarding indigenous as well as some exotic species known to naturalise.
Botanical Society of America (BSA). 2002. Plant Science Bulletin. 48(2).
Summary: Available from: http://www.botany.org/plantsciencebulletin/psb-2002-48-4.php [Accessed May 8, 2007]
Institute for Systematic Biology. 2007. Elaeagnus pungens.
Summary: Gives list of synonyms, maps, and taxonomy.
Available from: http://www.plantatlas.usf.edu/synonyms.asp?plantID=1558 [Accessed May 8, 2007]
ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System). 2006. Online Database Elaeagnus pungens.
Summary: An online database that provides taxonomic information, common names, synonyms and geographical jurisdiction of a species. In addition links are provided to retrieve biological records and collection information from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Data Portal and bioscience articles from BioOne journals.
Available from : http://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=502223 [Accessed May 8, 2007]
Kelly, L. 2006. The Vascular Flora of Huggins Island, Onslow County, North Carolina. Castanea. 71(4): 295-311.
Summary: This paper discusses the types of vegetation found on Huggin s Island, NC.
Loewenstein, N.J., E.F. Loewenstein. 2005. Non-native plants in the understory of riparian forests across a land use gradient in the Southeast. Urban Ecosystems. 8: 79-91.
Summary: Discusses urban-rural distribution of non-native plants.
Morgan and Overholt, 2005. New Records of Invasive Exotic Plant Species in St. Lucie County, Florida. Castanea pp. 59�62 Volume 70, Issue 1 (March 2005)
Nelson, A. 1935. Rocky Mountain Herbarium Studies. III. The Elaeagnaceae-A Mono-Generic Family. American Journal of Botany. 22(7): 681-683.
Summary: Discusses the two genera Elaeagnus and Hippophae.
Plant Conservation Alliance (PCA). 2007. Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas. National Park Service.
Summary: Available from: http://www.nps.gov/plants/alien/list/e.htm [Accessed May 8, 2007]
University of Connecticut (UConn). 2006. Elaeagnus pungensThunb. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Greenhouses.
Summary: Available from: http://florawww.eeb.uconn.edu/acc_num/198501015.html [Accessed May 8, 2007]
University of Richmond. Undated. Elaeagnus pungens.
Summary: Gives a description of the plant, its impacts, habitat, and distribution.
Available from: http://oncampus.richmond.edu/academics/biology/plants/Pages/Elaeagnus%20Pungens.htm [Accessed May 8, 2007]
USDA, ARS, 2007. Elaeagnus pungens Thunb. National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Online Database]. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland
Summary: Species information including common names, distribution, uses.
Available from: http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?14928 [Accessed May 8, 2007]
USDA-NRCS (National Resources Conservation Service), 2007. Plants Profile Elaeagnus pungens
Summary: Available from: http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=ELPU2 [Accessed 12 January 2008]
Walther G.-R. 1999. Distribution and limits of evergreen broad-leaved (laurophyllous) species in Switzerland. Botanica Helvetica 109: 153-167
Summary: The Central European forests are relatively species-poor compared with the analogue vegetation of North America or East Asia. Only few woody, evergreen broad-leaved species were able to recolonize Central Europe after the last glaciation. Nowadays, exotic species are spreading with increasing frequency. Especially evergreen broad-leaved (laurophyllous) species become more and more established in the indigenous vegetation. The process of their introduction and spread, in the context of potential causal factors, are discussed in the following paper.
ZipcodeZoo. 2007. Elaeagnus pungens. [Online database].
Summary: Available from: http://zipcodezoo.com/Plants/E/Elaeagnus_pungens.asp [Accessed May 8, 2007]
The following 0 contacts offer information an advice on Elaeagnus pungens
Elaeagnus pungens
Date assessed
Year published
Eicat category
Justification for EICAT assessment
Confidence rating
Mechanism(s) of maximum impact
Countries of most severe impact
Description of impacts
Recommended citation
(2025). Elaeagnus pungens. IUCN Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT).