The indigenous species under Acacia cyclops did not differ significantly from that in uninvaded sites, but species richness was lower under Acacia and soils were very enriched (Gaertner et al., 2011). Native species richness was significantly lower in the Acacia thicket compared to the natural site. Native plant cover did not differ significantly between Acacia thicket and the uninvaded site. Diversity and evenness was significantly lower in the invaded site compared to the uninvaded site. The total N and soil microelement concentrations (Na, C and Mg) were approximately double that of the uninvaded site. Potassium was the only microelement with a higher conentration in the uninvaded site. In the invaded site, temperatures were constantly lower than in the uninvaded sites. In the Acacia invaded thicket relative soil moisture was lower than in the uninvaded site from August to October 2007, between October and December 2007 both sites had similar soil moisture levels except for November, where it was lower in the Acacia invaded site.