Recommended citation: Global Invasive Species Database (2025) Species profile: Pelophylax bergeri. Downloaded from on 28-03-2025.
Dubey, S., Leuenberger, J., & Perrin, N. (2014). Multiple origins of invasive and ‘native’water frogs (Pelophylax spp.) in Switzerland. Biological journal of the Linnean Society, 112(3), 442-449.
General information
Dufresnes C, Di Santo L, Leuenberger J, Schuerch J, Mazepa G, Grandjean N, Canestrelli D, Perrin N, Dubey S (2007) Cryptic invasion of Italian pool frogs (Pelophylax bergeri) across Western Europe unraveled by multilocus phylogeography. Biological invasions 19 (5): 1407-1420.
Dufresnes C, Dubey S (2020) Invasion genomics supports an old hybrid swarm of pool frogs in Western Europe. Biological Invasions 22 (2): 205-210.
The following 0 contacts offer information an advice on Pelophylax bergeri
Pelophylax bergeri Italian Pool Frog, Rana di Berger
Date assessed
Year published
Eicat category
MV (Massive)
Justification for EICAT assessment
Impact through hybridisation between P. bergeri and P. lessonae is massive, hybrids have completely replaced the native P. lessonae (Dubey et al. 2014; Dufresnes et al. 2007, Dufresnes and Dubey 2020). The deep introgression has colapsed the genetic structure of the native Pelophylax populations (Dubey et al. 2014).
Confidence rating
Mechanism(s) of maximum impact
Countries of most severe impact
France; Switzerland
Description of impacts
Hybridisation - genetic introgression between Pelophylax bergeri and the native species P. lessonae and P. esculentus has led to the replacement of most pure native populations.
F. André de Villiers
Carla Wagener; Mohlamatsane Mokhatla; James Baxter-Gilbert; Corey Thorp; Alexander D. Rebelo; Sarah J. Davies; Nitya Prakash Mohanty; John Measey; Giovanni Vimercati; Sabrina Kumschick; Khensani Nkuna
EICAT authority
Recommended citation
F. André de Villiers (2025). Pelophylax bergeri. IUCN Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT).