\"The fan-shaped terminal panicle is 15cms to 60cms (6 to 24 inches) long and can be silvery to pale pink in colour. The branches of the panicle are erect or ascending. These panicles reach full maturity in the fall. The glabrous spikelets are very small, yellow-brown in colour and encircled at the base with white or purple-coloured hairs. The fertile lemma contains an awn that is spirally twisted at its base.\" (USDA Forest Service, 2006). The seeds are yellowish brown to slightly reddish, sparsely hairy, and have a twisted tip. They occur from September to January and have membranous husks with a hidden grain. (Miller, 2003)
Principal source:
Compiler: National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) & IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)
Publication date: 2011-02-17
Recommended citation: Global Invasive Species Database (2025) Species profile: Miscanthus sinensis. Downloaded from http://iucngisd.org/gisd/speciesname/Miscanthus+sinensis on 14-03-2025.
M. sinensis is known to carry several pathogens, including barley yellow dwarf luteovirus-MAV, barley yellow dwarf luteovirus-PAV, and cereal yellow dwarf luteovirus. (Harris et al, 2000).
Chemical/Mechanical: Late winter/early spring: remove previous year's growth by cutting or burning entire plant to ground. This enables higher chemical control efficiency. When growth is 12'' tall, spray with glyphosate (Meyer, 2003(a)) or imazapyr. (USDA Forest Service, 2006). Allow the plant to die and cut dead foliage back to ground. If previous year's growth still exists, wait until plant reaches 12-24'' prior to spraying. Repeat spraying if necessary in late summer or fall when regrowth is 12'' tall. An abundant amount of green foliage is necessary for effective chemical control. (Meyer, 2003(a)). Miller (2003) recommends Arsenal AC as a one percent solution for control of M. sinensis, or a combination of glyphosate and arsenal AC. In the fall, a 2% solution of Roundup or 1% solution of fusilade should be effective against M. sinensis. In the spring, apply a 4% solution of Roundup or 2% solution of fusilade. (Morisawa, 1999).
M. sinensis can tolerate a high intensity of salt spray at an inland position. In one study, the salt spray combined with sandblasting limited the establishment of many grasses to the dune and beach area. Sandblasting was found to regulate the establishment of M. sinensis near beaches. (Yura & Ogura, 2006).